Get China Ready | How to Prepare your Tourism & Hospitality Business for the Chinese Tourist
One in ten of all international travel begins in China.
China is the biggest outbound tourism source market in the world – 116m travellers spent $160 billion in 2019.
There were 116 million Chinese outbound border crossings generating 160 billion US$ spending in 2019. Outbound tourism is no longer restricted by the Chinese government and tourism service providers all over the world are starting to focus on the Chinese market.
So why should you invest in preparing your business for the Chinese market?
A growing market
The Chinese outbound tourism market is growing rapidly. According to McKinsey, the number of outbound trips from China more than doubled from 2010 to 2015. A growing middle class with more disposable income has also facilitated this increase in Chinese tourists.
China is the world’s top tourism spender
Chinese tourists tend to spend more. According to survey data compiled by Nielsen, Chinese tourists prioritise “experience” over “cost” and display higher levels of purchasing power than non-Chinese travellers.
Consumer confidence is growing
Desire for overseas travel has rebounded to pre-pandemic levels. With the removal of quarantine & testing requirements in many European countries, this will further encourage more Chinese travellers. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger and the National Holiday period - or Golden Week - for China is from the 1st of October to the 7th of October 2022. It's important more than ever to be China Ready and provide a special welcome to the Chinese Tourist during this time.
How to get ‘China Ready’
The Chinese visitor is vastly different to the traditional recreational holiday maker from the traditional markets of Europe and the USA.
Reasons for travel in China are complex and sophisticated, and trips are very much today’s status symbol in China. There are many distinct kinds of travellers with many distinct levels of experience and expectations for many different reasons.
Understanding Chinese customers from package-tour first timers to “Second Wave” sophisticated self-organised travellers and responding to their demands, communicating readiness, and offering the right kind of services to the right kind of market segment is key to success in this market.
So how do you attract this major market segment and turn Chinese visitors into satisfied customers who go on to recommend your business and destination to friends and colleagues?
The key to success lies in understanding and respecting the unique Chinese culture and their motivations.
COTRI Get ‘China Ready’ Training Workshops
At The Centre for Competitiveness, we offer a bespoke training workshop that will provide your business with the tools to both attract and appropriately ‘Welcome’ Chinese visitors.
The ‘Chinese Tourist Welcome Certificate’ provides tourism organisations with a solid foundation of key market knowledge to help them maximise the success of their marketing and sales initiatives.
The Get ‘China Ready’ programme offered by CforC is certified by COTRI, (China Outbound Tourism Research Institute), the world's leading independent research institute for Chinese outbound tourism and recognised by Tourism NI, Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland.
The Training workshop helps Hotels, Restaurants, Coach Tour Companies and Tourist Destinations, Activities and Products to position themselves at the forefront of the biggest global outbound tourism source market by understanding the different market segments, adapt products and services and by communicating the special attention given to the market by Chinese tour operators.
It is designed for individual organizations- or groups of enterprises within a destination- and targets management and front-line staff to develop their awareness and competences so that they can create and manage a special ‘Ireland Welcome’ for the Chinese Tourist.