training course is based around the PDCA (plan–do–check–act) management method
used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and
products. PDCA was made popular by Dr W. Edwards Deming, who is considered by
many to be the father of modern quality control. For this reason the PDCA
methodology is also known as the Deming Circle.
The methodology is successful by achieving
small-step improvements, rather than implementing one huge improvement. The
Japanese use the term "kaizen" to describe this process and it
involves every level of the organization, from hourly workers to
PDCA is also known as a system for developing
critical thinking. At Toyota this is also known as "Building people before
building cars." Toyota and other Lean companies propose that an engaged,
problem-solving workforce using PDCA is better able to innovate and stay ahead
of the competition through rigorous problem solving and the subsequent
This course builds on these principles and will
provide participants with a structured method to manage change, using Lean
Tools to identify opportunities for improvement, processes to test and validate
the proposed improvements, and how to implement and sustain them. Then build
upon the improvement achieved to further improve using the PDCA cycle time and
time again.
The Need for Change
How We Approach Change
Deming Model of Continuous Improvement
The Plan, Do, Check, Act
- Select Improvement Opportunity
- Analyse Current Situation or Process
- Identify Obstacles
- Generate and Choose Solutions
- Map Out and Implement a Trial Run
- Analyse the Results
- Draw Conclusions
- Adopt, Adapt or Abandon
- Monitor and Hold the Gains
Data Collection Methods
Identifying Waste
Brainstorming Methods
Flowcharts & Process
Value Stream Mapping
Spaghetti Diagrams
Key Problem Solving
Basic Lean Concepts
This workshop is available online or in-house.
We are happy to discuss our PDCA course in the context of your own business needs, so please contact us via email at or phone +44 (0)28 9073 7950 or our Dublin office +353 8 7224 2575 for more information.