Lean 101 - Fundamentals of Lean Manufacturing

This training course has been designed for individuals and teams that want to gain a better understanding of the tools and underlying philosophy of lean, and how these elements and philosophy work together to create a Lean Organization.

Lean is based on delivering two fundamental objectives: Customer satisfaction and generating a profit. To achieve this, lean focuses on the development of a continuous improvement culture, rooted in a fundamental respect for people. It is a way of thinking, and a set of behaviours shaped by Lean principles and the implementation of Lean tools.

On Day one of this programme you will learn the basic concepts of lean, and how to implement these lean techniques and tools to help your organization remain competitive, innovative, and profitable in today’s business environment.

Day two focuses on how to deploy and manage Lean in your organization by involving all your employees in the journey of improvement. Lean organizations see their workforce as their greatest asset and seek to harness the power and creativity of this resource in improving their workplace.

Throughout the training we will be applying the PDCA approach to continuous improvement. It is known as a system for developing critical thinking. At Toyota this is also known as "Building people before building cars." Toyota and other Lean companies have proved that an engaged, problem-solving workforce using PDCA is better able to innovate and stay ahead of the competition through rigorous problem solving and the subsequent innovations.

This course builds on these principles and will provide participants with a structured method to manage change, using Lean Tools to identify opportunities for improvement, processes to test and validate the proposed improvements, and how to implement and sustain them. Then build upon the improvement achieved to further improve using the PDCA cycle time and time again.

This workshop is usually delivered in-house as a stand-alone training workshop and can be tailored to your organization’s context or integrated into wider improvement activities.

It’s structure also facilitates the delivery of the “Day 1 - Lean Tools” module only if this is more aligned to the participants involved.

We will be happy to discuss our Fundamentals of Lean Manufacturing course in the context of your own business needs, so please contact us via email at compete@cforc.org or phone +44 (0)28 9073 7950 or our Dublin office +353 8 7224 2575 for more information.